Welcome to Lanark Grammar School
Lanark Grammar School has a long and proud history here in the town of Lanark, South Lanarkshire and we are working hard to continue that legacy, providing rich experiences for all of our students in which they can Learn, Grow and Succeed to the very best of their abilities.
Our values (Achievement, Endeavour, Respect, Enthusiasm, Community, Equality) sit at the core of our ongoing efforts to develop and deliver an holistic curriculum that nurtures wellbeing and promotes positive achievement and attainment.
No school is perfect, but we strive hard to emphasise an ethos of strong attainment and achievement while at the same time looking out for each other's wellbeing. What truly makes the job satisfying is relationships and cooperation of working towards shared goals. We look forward to all that will be accomplished over this school session.
Jeff Warden
Head Teacher

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