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Lanark Grammar School

Additional Support Needs 

asn provision 2022 2023.pdf


The Additional Support Needs Faculty has responsibility for looking after pupils who come to Lanark Grammar School through the Additional Support Needs Forum.

Mrs Brown, Depute Head Teacher, leads a team of Principal Teachers of Additional Support Needs and teaching staff.

Principal Teachers ASN support the learning and wellbeing needs of pupils with additional support needs.

Our most recent ASN Provision Booklet can be found via the link below or the download button at the bottom of the page.


Lanark Grammar School meets the needs of pupils with a wide range of Additional Support Needs. While there had always been a strong commitment to and provision for meeting recognised Additional Support Needs within the school, the range of pupils’ needs has increased over the last few years and our promoted post structure, staffing levels and staff expertise have changed to plan for and respond to our developing provision. The school’s specialist provision serves to manage the needs of a wide range of learners. Within the department we have three provisions.

The Additional Support provision (AS) supports pupils who are able to access the wider school curriculum but either need a base room due to transitions around school becoming unmanageable or for those who can manage larger classes in wider school with support where needed. Pupils here follow the same timetable as their wider school peers but have a range of supports to allow them to do so. These supports include specialist staff in class, life skills , mindfulness , nurture and access to quiet areas when needed.

The Enhanced Support provision ( ES) supports pupils with a range of conditions who benefit from being taught in smaller classes but are able to transition around school. These classes often have an assigned member of support staff and pupils will follow a similar curriculum to their wider school peers but at a more manageable pace.

The Fully Supported provision ( FS) supports pupils with Severe and/or Profound conditions. Pupils are taught in small base room classes with support. Pupils still access a similar curriculum to that of their wider school peers. Specialist teachers will deliver the curriculum using a range of strategies that ensure pupils have the same opportunities and entitlements as others within the school.


Enquire is the Scottish advice centre for additional support for learning.  They are managed by Children in Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.  They offer impartial advice to parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people about how pupils should be helped to get the right support to help them to become successful learners.

Their website is an extremely useful source of information and resources.  It can be accessed through the link below.


ASN Staff members:

  • Mrs J Brown, Depute Head Teacher
  • Mrs K Bennett, Principal Teacher, Additional Support Needs
  • Mrs L Gordon, Principal Teacher Additional Support Needs
  • Mrs G McCallion, Principal Teacher Additional Support Needs
  • Mrs A Miller, Principal Teacher Additional Support Needs
  • Ms G Williams, Principal Teacher Additional Support Needs
  • Mrs P Kerr, Principal Teacher Support for Learning
  • Ms G Armstrong
  • Mrs L Clark
  • Miss G Nardone
  • Mrs D Mackie
  • Mr J Clarkson
  • Mrs S Graham
  • Mrs N Henderson
  • Mrs J Jamieson
  • Mr S Kelly
  • Mrs J Knight
  • Ms G Lamarra
  • Ms L Macauley
  • Mrs W Robertson
  • Mrs J Welsh
  • Mrs F Reid
  • Ms E Smith
  • Mrs L Winning

Additional Support Needs Gallery