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Lanark Grammar School


The UCAS process can seem very daunting for applicants and families but there is a great deal of support available through various channels. We will continue to add resources to this page which may be useful for both students and parents/carers. 

In the first instance, we are very pleased to share a resource created specifically for parents. We are seeking permission to adapt it to a Lanark Grammar context but for now, the author has allowed us to share this with you in its original format. 

Jacqui Stark, a parent of students who studied at James Gillespie's High School in Edinburgh, wanted to do something to support parents and carers through the UCAS process. Her bespoke guide created some years ago has now become indispensable to the school's provision. When you read the guide, please bear in mind that many specific details and processes relate to James Gillespie's High School. 


uni guide parent september 22.pdf